Monday, August 8, 2011


Greetings from Panama,
This is the first internet we have had for a while so there's been border crossings and a few miles under our belt.  We are in a campground a bit north of Panama City.  We stayed here in 2010 and became acquainted with the American owner and his school kids that he sponsers.  We will leave the dental supplies some of you donated and some soccer balls.  They will find a most welcome home.  We have been staying in small towns with lots of interaction with the local folks.  The signs Don put on our motorhome creates interest and people come from across the street to check it out.  Our Spanish has improved-Thanks to our leader.  Bill has learned Como su Llama which means What is your Name? and opens a new world with smiles and pleasure.  We have also stayed in National Parks is the shadow of volcanas.  The policeman "Gabriel" in the pictures was our private guide.  That evening he and his fellow policemen were playing soccer-or football as they say here- with a ball that was made of string.  Bill threw out one of the balls that our grandsons and friends had donated and he was a HERO.  There are many sights to see with everything so green but the people with their big waves and smiles are what stick with you.  Maria loved her new tops(donated by Katie) and the boys were just as pleased with shirts that John had sent.  The fresh fish as been wonderful and you can see the size of the catch on one of the fishing piers.  We stayed on the shores of Lake Nicaragua and these women were washing clothes in the lake .  They were washing other people's clothes and worked for about 3 hours.
So all is going well.  We have a tenative shipping date to Columbia on the 16th.  There will be lots of red tape to do before than. 
Take care because we do,
Bill and  Gerry

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