Saturday, August 13, 2011

Panama City

We are staying in a funky little bed and breakfast in an area of Panama city called Balboa.  It was the America sector before the change over.  We are in a hurry-up and wait mode and have been here several days getting this paper signed and that paper done for shipping the motorhome.  Yesterday was an extremely tiring day.  We drove to the port city of Colon for more red tape.  The dogs sniffed, the custom inspectors did their thing and we finally said "see you later" as our home on wheels was driven to a big   lot awaiting it's ship to Columbia.  this will probably be next week.  In the meantime we will schedule flight to Cartagena, Columbia. We are looking forward to seeing this historic city and finally being in South America.
Weather here is hot and HUMID. 
Bill and Gerry

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