Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Location

Sorry you folks are still so hot.  We are in the mountains of Guatemala at 4,000 feet and we needed blankets last night.  It is a beautiful area--very green.  We crossed the border yesterday after long days traveling through Mexico.  We DID NOT have any problems.  The border at Texas was the easiest crossing yet.  It helps that our leader is fluent in Spanish and knows the ropes.  We stayed one night in a small village on the Gulf where he had taught English in school.  Not a tourist town so we had a nice welcome.  The next day we had a boat ride on the local river through the mango trees.  If we are able to send pictures the one of the boy with the big crab was on a boat on the river.  This internet connection is very weak so the pictures may wait for another day.  We have been joined by our leader's friend,Mari, who is from Guatemala.  She will go all the way with us.  She is a midwife, tiny and pretty.  She's trying to learn English and we're trying to learn some Spanish so our Heafie(Leader) has a lesson everynight.  We may learn something yet.  The motorhome is doing well considering the roads have been awful with huge holes and many, many topees(speed bumps)
We will cross the border into Salvador tomorrow and plan on staying in a beautiful National Park.
Love to all,
Gerry and Bill

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you guys are making good time for seasoned citizens! Remember the folks back home with real jobs are going to use your blog as a way to escape our mundane, everyday lives. So, keep us updated whenever you can!
