Friday, October 14, 2011

Chile II

There is a South America family that have 3 children. The oldest is Al Sur, the middle is Al Norte and the least is Al Centro. We are following the oldest Al Sur(South). Bless the Mother- She could not think of any other first name for her children but Al. We ignore Al North and try not to visit Al Centro but we do follow Al Sur.

This means we are going SOUTH.

One of the bigger towns was La Serena, Chile. We stayed in the parking lot of a big shopping center. I’m sure Al Centro played a part in this. This place seemed to be THE place to be. The parking lot was full to overflowing and the buses ran every 15 minutes with families and young couples coming to the shopping plaza. This was the place to people watch.

October 10th was our oldest grandson’s birthday so we called to wish him many happy returns. Happy Birthday, Bill. We were staying in the seaside village of Los Vilos. Our site was only 30 meters from where the waves came crashing in over huge rocks. The fishermen had not gone out that day because the ocean was unusually rough. What a beautiful sight!!

Chile was celebrating a national holiday so many Chileans had come to the area to view the ocean. They also viewed us and were taking pictures of the motorhome and our signs. We meet the most interesting people this way. Our stay here was also improved by home made (or Motorhome Made) Beef Vegetable soup simmering on the stove. The wind was very brisk and the soup hit the spotl

I had dreaded the next day because it meant going through the capital city of Santigo, population 6 million. I need not have been concerned because it was a breeze. What a difference from the other big cities we have been through with their buses, taxies, motorbikes. motorized rickshaws and crazy drivers. Those were not allowed and traffic moved with ease. Signage was excellent. It is of course a huge metropolitan area but very modern in every way. There was no sign of earthquake damage.

 Our stay that night was in an actual campground on a beautiful mountain lake not too far from the city. Not a campground as we know it but there was a picnic table and a grill of sorts. The lack of hook ups was more than compensated by the view of the lake and the mountains. The season is too early so we had the place to ourselves.

As we go south, it is spring and Chile becomes more and more beautiful. Such a change from the northern desert. Everything is blooming. The fields are plowed for spring planting. There are acres of vineyards and olive trees.

Large Vineyard

Gerry Picking Grapes

Olive Grove

Chile is a very modern, prosperous country and if you blink your eyes you could believe you were in the states. The roads are excellent if a bit pricey since the main road is toll. Snow covered mountains keep watch over us. They are the Andes which we will have to cross at some point.


 The temperature is in the 40’s when we start our day and upper 60 for a high. There are campgrounds here and some dealers in motorhomes. But we still get attention and questions about where we are going and where we have been.

Our stay tonight is Chilean, Chile. We are parked behind tennis courts and it is a better than average spot. There is grass and a place to sit outside in our chairs and enjoy the excellent wine of Chile.

As we follow Al Sur we will cross into Argentina. There will be less habitation and also less internet so we will keep in touch when we can- Al willing.

Gerry and Bill

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