Saturday, September 17, 2011


Our diet hasn't changed much since we left Paducah.  We still eat pollo(Chicken), carne(meat), and piscado(fish), but the way it is prepared and served is quite a change.  We NEVER eat at a fast foor restaurant but try to eat at the small places where the locals and truckers eat.  Chicken is usually pollo asada(roast chicken) with the meat fixed over an open fire.  We haven't had any good beef since we left.  Most is tough and dry.  The fish is escellent, especially near the coast.  One of our favorites is the whole fish that is scaled and gutted and fixed over hot coals.  It does bother some people to have the eyeballs looking at you while you are eating.  Usually the food is all on one plate with a serving of arroz(rice),papas(potatoes) and a small salad.  Sometimes they may serve a small bowl of soup.  The drink is usuall some sort of fruit the taste a lot like kool-aid to me.  One of the interesting things about restaurants and most business in the tropics is they have no outside walls.  The space is open to the outside and animals and birds can come in.  We don't always like what we're served, but you never know till you try.

Gerry and Bill

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